27 Jun So here we go again with the shit bucket that is Australian politics.
Apparently the ALP now have to take a harder line on asylum seekers otherwise they will lose the western Sydney vote. This is everything that’s wrong with the political system. You have a base population incapable of looking past their own self interest, thinking only what they are told to think in agenda driven media, who are far more interested in drumming up conflict than supporting progressive policies and political parties that can’t incorporate best practice models because other parties are actively undermining their efforts with hyperbole.
Meanwhile media that does report objectively and are in fact centered on the political spectrum are viewed as leftish because the people on the right are so f***ing far right they are incapable of seeing past their xenophobia, homophobia and other self induced psychoses to realise what’s actually going on.
My only hope is that the quality of the political discourse gets so bad everyone wakes up to themselves and realises the world is burning around them while they squabble like infants over a toy.
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